Tuesday, February 20, 2007

goals for final paper

1. Use more detail to describe the two stories in my paper more effectively.
2. Revise the repetitive parts to my paper.
3. Talk more about the people interviewed and describe what was going on while we were all shoveling snow.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Another weekend has gone by and I have failed to work on any homework. It is way too hard to force myself to do homework on the weekend. The weekend is always too much fun so I don't even really think about my homework at all until Sunday night. By Sunday night I really don't care because there is usually something sweet to watch on tv. I'm going to end up watching the NBA All Star game and enjoy my night. Tonight is going to be sweet. Tomorrow is going to suck.

my dog

My dog Oreo is always around when there is food. He is sitting right next to me right now because I am eating pretzels. He always makes me feel bad since he just sits there. I always end up giving him some of my food. I just threw a couple pretzels at his face. Oreo is a Shetland Sheep dog. He is black, gray, and white in color. He weighs about 35 pounds. He is out of control about 35% of the time. Otherwise he is just sleeping or begging for food like a bum.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

songs for city

here is a list of 8 songs that reflect my attitude toward my community
1. gorillaz - feel good
2. sublime - what i got
3. eminem - everything is shady
4. 2pac - changes
5. snoop dogg - another day
6. saves the day - cars and calories
7. jimmy eat world - the middle
8. korn - word up

Sunday, February 11, 2007

art history

Art history is a horrible class. If anyone is thinking of taking this class, don't. For the tests you have to memorize 30 different pieces of art, who created the art, the year they created it, and enough information to write essays about it. The tests are all essay and are absolutely ridiculous. I wish I never would have chose to take this class. It sucks.

the flu

This weekend was the worst weekend of my life. I had the flu worse than I have ever had it before in my life. While still feeling sick, I had to force myself to study for my two tests that I have on Monday. I never enjoy studying in the first place so studying with the flu is ten times worse than that. I can't wait until Monday is over so I don't have to worry about any more tests.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

continued from last class

The snow is only fun for a short amount of time. Before long I get sick of the cold weather. I wish it would start to get warmer so I could enjoy being outside again. When it is warm, my favorite thing to do is play sports. I enjoy playing basketball in my driveway and at my friend's house. We get some crazy three on three games going sometimes. Soccer is another sport I enjoy. This past summerr, a large group of people in my neighborhood started a small soccer league. Although there were only three teams, it was still an amazing experience. The competition between my team and one of the other teams was always great. These teams had more soccer players than the other team. The games were always fun and exciting since there was so much competition. I'm looking forward to the summer so we can start our small league again. Hopefully we can get more people to play so we can add another team or two.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

soccer and studying

I have a soccer game tomorrow night and I also have to study for my philosophy test. Hopefully I can manage my time and get both done. One thing I know is that I'm not going to miss my soccer game. The studying is going to have to get done right after school. This is going to be rough for me to do since I don't ever feel like working on homework or studying right after I just went to school. I'm hoping for a burst of motivation tomorrow so I can get my studying done. Otherwise, I will be letting my parents down by getting bad grades in college.

this weekend

On Thursday I was so glad to get out of school that I had no intention of starting on my homework at any time during the day. I went and hung out with my friends all day and night. On Friday I thought maybe I would get some homework done. It didn't happen. I ended up hanging out with my friends all day and night again. I woke up on Saturday morning and thought about starting on my homework. I thought about it and decided that the best thing to do at that time was to go hang out with my friends. Here I am on Sunday afternoon stuck trying to finish my homework. This happens to me almost every weekend and it sucks.

The D

Detroit is attempting to create a brand new identity with their new "D" symbol. The new D is sleek looking. The new D also has writing underneath it. The writing says Cars, Culture, Gaming, Music, and Sports. This new D and slogan are supposed to increase the amount of visitors coming to Detroit.
I like how the new D looks, but I also liked the old english D. The new D is supposed to look hip and trendy. I think what Detroit is trying to do is good. More people coming to Detroit will mean more money circulating in its economy. This will be great for the city of Detroit.