Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Jiving with Java

This article talks about coffeehouses. The first thing the article starts with is about a coffeehouse located in our nation's capital. The article talks about how coffeehouses are places for people to do different things. Some people go to coffeehouses to socialize and meet new people. Others go to coffeehouses to relax and read. Others go there to use the internet and work on homework.
The only coffeehouse I have ever been to was one that my highschool set up to keep kids out of trouble. People would gather there to drink coffee and hang out and listen to music. I did not really enjoy the coffeehouse. It was pretty boring and I only went because a bunch of my friends were going there. Other than that, I have never gone to a coffeehouse. I have little interest in going to coffeehouses. Maybe that will change with time, but as for now I don't plan on going to a coffeehouse anytime soon.

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