Monday, March 26, 2007

photo essay

The closing down of Owen Elementary School in Trenton has greatly affected those who previously went to that school. Owen Elementary was decided to be closed and torn down due to an inability to pass a bond. The residents of Trenton voted "no" on a proposed bond to increase money for Trenton schools. Because of this, Trenton was forced to close one of four elementary schools to save money. Since the school was closed, Trenton decided to start tearing it down. Students who went to Owen will now go to an elementary school down the road. This may be a reasonable distance for some students. This will also result in a greater amount of students attending the closest elementary school, Anderson Elementary.

The empty sign of Owen Elementary School.

Bulldozers tearing apart Owen Elementary.

Playground and bulldozer.

The playgrounds at Owen will not be torn down.

Neighborhood across the street from Owen.

Sign located along Owen Elementary property.

The wreckage with homes in the background.

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